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Everything you need to know, so you can use 3spin Learning like a pro. Browse the topics below to find what you are looking for.
Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve put together some commonly asked questions to give you more information about 3spin Learning and the Virtual and Augmented Reality world.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our Answers
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Infos On 3spin Learning
How does 3spin Learning work in general?
3spin Learning ist eine lizenzierbare "No-Code" Cloud-Hosting-Plattform zur Erstellung, zur Nutzung und zur Verteilung von 360°-, VR- und AR-Trainings. Sie können bestehende Assets in eine Bibliothek hochladen (gekaufte oder modellierte 3D-Daten, Fotos, Texte, Audios, ...). Ein szenenbasiertes System – vergleichbar mit der Art und Weise, wie das Authoring für webbasierte Schulungen funktioniert – ermöglicht die einfache Erstellung interaktiver Szenarien in einem Webbrowser. Die Platzierung der Objekte erfolgt direkt in einer VR- oder AR-Brille, und die Trainings können sofort aus der Perspektive des Lernenden ausgewertet werden. Nach Abschluss einer Schulung kann diese über die Verwaltungsschnittstelle für bestimmte Benutzer:innen veröffentlicht werden. Die Lernenden sehen dann sofort verfügbare Trainings in der 3spin Learning-App auf ihrer VR- oder AR-Brille. Trainingsdaten können mit bestehenden LMS des Unternehmens, die eng auf einer xAPI-Schnittstelle basieren, ausgetauscht werden. 3spin Learning ist für nicht programmierende Autor:innen in E-Learning-Agenturen, Unternehmen, mittelständischen Firmen, Universitäten oder Schulen gedacht. Haben Sie Fragen? Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter.
Can I try 3spin Learning for free?
Yes, during a personal demo (via video conference) we will introduce 3spin Learning to you free of charge and if you are interested you may also participate in a training session yourself. If you like the platform and want to continue working with it yourself, we offer a starter package. This already contains 3 sample training courses. You can edit the courses, create new training courses with the included assets and upload your assets like images and sounds.
Is 3spin Learning for Virtual or Augmented Reality training?
3spin Learning is for both Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality training as well as 360° photo or video courses. Training courses can be switched from one technology to the other with a few clicks.
Data Security & Technology
Is my data secure with 3spin Learning?
3spin Learning’s data hosting is based on Microsoft Azure. Many companies and providers only have a very small team to ensure data security, whether it’s locally or in the cloud. At Microsoft “a team of more than 3,500 global cybersecurity experts works together to help safeguard your business assets and data in Azure” (learn more about Azure).
Can I use 3spin Learning on-premises (instead of cloud-based)?
Yes, we can deploy 3spin Learning through a docker container on your local server. Feel free to get in touch to discuss details.
Which devices does 3spin Learning support? / What hardware do I need?
3spin Learning currently supports Oculus Quest, HTC Vice, Pico Neo and Microsoft HoloLens 2. Further hardware is continuously being evaluated and added. Do you have special requirements? Let us know, we will most probably be able to suit your needs.
How can I install and update the application on our devices?
3spin Learning was built with enterprise requirements in mind. We provide a simple installer (no admin rights required) that will set up the app on your device. Once the app has been installed, no further installations are required – the app comes with an updater that can download a new version from within the app. Users will be notified if an update is required or recommended.
Do I always need an internet connection to use 3spin Learning?
As a learner, you will only need an internet connection to initially download your desired training. Once pieces of training have been downloaded onto the device, the internet connection is no longer required, unless you want to learn together with fellow students or a trainer over the internet. If you are a training creator you will always need an internet connection, as 3spin Learning has a web-based authoring tool running in your browser.
Data Integration
We already have a lot of training assets. Can we use them in 3spin Learning?
Yes, you can upload many different asset types into 3spin Learning such as 3D models, images, and sound files. Through conversion, almost any file format will work. Assets can easily be shared among all your training courses through our integrated library.
Can I integrate 3spin Learning into my existing LMS / Learning Management System?
Yes, you can synchronize users and training data with your Learning Management System (e.g. Workday, Cornerstone, Docebo, …). Our existing interface can be adapted to work with your LMS.
Can I use my existing training courses in 3spin Learning?
It will usually be possible to integrate your existing training courses into 3spin Learning. Contact us to find out the best way depending on your pre-requirements.
Is it possible to work with existing company users in 3spin Learning?
Yes. While we have basic user management already integrated directly into 3spin Learning, you may also synchronize your existing Active Directory or LMS users. We have built an interface that can be adapted to work with any common user management system. Would you like to discuss your needs?
VR & AR Content Creation
Can our own authors create VR / AR training courses without programming?
Yes, 3spin Learning is a “no-code” platform meant for non-technical authors who have the content expertise but not the programming knowledge usually required to create VR and AR training courses. Training courses are created directly in a browser and in the VR and AR glasses. The process in the browser is similar to what learning authors are used to from working with other web-based learning tools. One of our clients likes to call 3spin Learning the “PowerPoint” of immersive learning.
How do I create VR or AR training courses in 3spin Learning?
3spin Learning offers an authoring tool that requires no programming knowledge.
How can I learn to build a VR / AR training in 3spin Learning?
Through purchasing licenses, you will get access to vast resources (written documentation & videos) which will help you build training courses yourself. In addition, you can book workshops with 3spin or one of our partners to get first-hand insights and ask questions.
Where are the assets (3D models, photos, etc.) coming from?
Photos, sound files, and texts could be taken from your existing e-learning courses or can be created by an agency, photographer, 3D modeler, or sound studio. Assets could also be purchased from databases – there are “stock” databases for photos, sounds, music, and even for 3D data. A few basic assets (such as speech “bubbles”, arrows, or warning icons) are already provided through 3spin Learning's integrated asset library. 3D data could also be derived from your CAD data if you are a product manufacturer.
Can someone else create a VR / AR training for me?
Yes, 3spin Learning is a training management, distribution, and authoring system in one. You may choose to only manage your training courses but let someone else create them for you – a freelancer or your e-learning agency for example. Even if someone else created the training for you, you may still decide to make smaller changes yourself, directly in the browser.
User Management
Can I manage my users in 3spin Learning?
Yes, 3spin Learning has basic out-of-the box user management integrated – alternatively you can synchronize with Active Directory or your LMS.
How many employees can learn with 3spin Learning?
3spin Learning supports an unlimited number of learners. Whether you like to distribute your training to a group of 10 people or to thousands of employees in remote locations worldwide – 3spin Learning will enable you to do so. The recommended number of simultaneous users within one specific training depends on the complexity and performance of that training.
Can beginners learn with VR / AR in 3spin Learning?
Yes, 3spin Learning is suitable for beginners just as it is for advanced users. A main advantage is, that all trainings have been created in the same authoring tool which always follows the same usability best practices. Unlike with individually programmed training, users have a consistent experience across multiple training courses. Optional standardized intro tutorials introduce novices to 360°, VR and AR.
VR & AR Use Cases
Who is using 3spin Learning?
3spin Learning is used by agencies, enterprises, mid-sized companies, and universities alike. The easy authoring system and operational tools make 3spin Learning an immersive learning platform for everyone. Have a klok at our references to see what our clients say about 3spin Learning.
Which areas of application are suitable for 3spin Learning?
3spin Learning is the right choice if you need a platform to manage and share all your immersive learning content in one place within your organization – and if you like to have an authoring tool that helps you create your content at low cost and without any programming.
Great topics for which VR & AR learning work well with 3spin Learning are Familiarization Training, Quality Training, Health & Safety Training, Technical Training, Soft Skills Training, Employee Onboarding, Team Training, Product Training, Skill Training, and Human Factors Training.
How Virtual & Augmented Reality Can Help
Do we really need a platform for VR / AR training courses?
In the past, many companies have decided to let coding agencies create individually programmed training courses for them. However, these pieces of training are often expensive to build and almost impossible to distribute and manage. Usually, they will be manually installed on each device and must be manually updated after each small change too – a tedious and error-prone task, especially if your training courses are used by many employees across your whole organization. In addition, many features needed for good VR & AR training such as multi-user learning, user management, remote control functionality, and success reports are way too expensive to create for a single individual training. Once companies go beyond a pilot phase and want to scale training in their organization, they will usually decide on a platform such as 3spin Learning, which can also be integrated with your existing LMS.
We are already using individually created VR / AR training courses. What advantage does 3spin Learning have?
3spin Learning will help you manage your entire immersive learning portfolio in one place – this enables centralized updates and makes sure your employees get the right content at the right time, anywhere in the world. In addition, the integrated authoring tools will allow you to create training more easily and cost-effective without programming. Apart from that 3spin Learning provides vast functionality to help you beyond training creation. Many tools which will help you operate training such as multi-user training over the internet or training analytics would be too expensive to create for a single individually programmed training – through the platform we are able to provide you with such features, saving you time and costs. Do you like to know more?
Why is learning with VR / AR useful?
Learning with Virtual and Augmented Reality is scientifically proven to be superior to traditional learning (pen & paper), e-learning (WBT, video), and classroom training. Learners train practically and remember the content better. VR & AR enable the safe training of complex or dangerous situations and can be used anywhere without traveling. VR & AR learning can even be better than “reality” itself as it allows for simulation without danger, travel costs, or downtime of physical objects.
Tips On Scaling VR & AR Training
How can I scale VR / AR training in our company?
To scale VR & AR training it is important to consider not only the content creation but also the management, operational, and distribution aspects of your immersive strategy. Manually installing and updating training on your devices is a tedious task and will become almost impossible if you like to scale your content beyond a pilot phase – besides the time-consuming nature, how do you make sure everyone always has the right version of your training? Especially in safety-related areas, having outdated content can be a game-breaker. And it doesn’t end here: Most immersive training courses are “black boxes” – even for the smallest change they need to be reprogrammed by an agency or software company and then manually redistributed onto the devices. Authoring tools will help you make small and big changes quickly. The cloud distribution will allow your employees to download all training courses in one place with just a click of a button. They will be notified if changes have been made and the app on their devices is able to update itself to the latest version. Would you like to discuss your requirements?
For Desktops, Tablets & Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Glasses
All training courses can also be accessed in a web browser without installation.

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